Dave & Memo Group
Davememo provides Knowledge Discovery Consulting
"Let's talk simple"

"The information is all out there, if you go looking for it,
and the classified stuff just comes from analyzing the unclassified stuff
and connecting the dots ..."
Tom Clancy, "Clancy Speaks Again, Briefly" (February 12, 2000)

We are confronted with an ever increasing amount of information in a multitude of languages. Dave and Memo Group provides best-of breed products and solutions to derive value from this information.
Dave and Memo Group Technology products offer a wide range of innovative and highly effective business solutions which dramatically reduce costs, and provide services that are not feasible with traditional technology.
Since establishing Our Group, we have helped clients gain a competitive advantage by exploiting the links between statistical, econometric, operational research, mathematical modelling, Data/Text/Media Mining, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and advances in technology and software.
Our expertise can greatly assist clients in defining and implementing solutions to the projects that they are involved in. We aim to provide thoroughly researched and professionally delivered solutions and work frequently with software developers and/or academic associates experts in the relevant fields.
To help professionals, academics and students to grow and develop their existing skills and keep-up with the latest theoretical and software developments in the statistics and econometrics fields, Dave and Memo Group Consultants' organise training courses and other events internationally, including software user group meetings and free seminars.
Some people see data as facts and figures. We see more than that. Data is the lifeblood of your business. It contains your organisation's history and hidden secrets for its success. The data will always be trying to tell you something only if you're prepared to hear it.
Joseph Davids manages a team of Consultants to help you make sense of the message. As leaders in business analytics, software development, healthcare and media service provision, our group transforms your data into insights that give you a fresh perspective on your business. You can identify what’s working. Fix what isn’t. Discover new opportunities. Dominate your niche.
We can help you turn large amounts of data into knowledge you can use, and we do it better than anyone else out there. It’s no wonder an overwhelming majority of customers continue to use Our Experience year after year. We believe it’s because we manage and work with great people to create great software and services.